Time to Plan your Business Success with Remote Teams

June 03 20215 min read

Today, due to the latest events in the world, most of the population is working remotely. Based on data from Global Workplace Analytics, approximately 4.7 million people work at least half of their time from home. Sure, it can be difficult for you not to be face to face with the team, but having remote employees offers excellent benefits.

It’s also worth noting that 87% of companies have adopted this approach after the global growth of remote work. It also includes some of the well-known organizations such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter.

If you want to build a business and support your remote specialists, know that you can do it successfully with basic guidelines and tools. Therefore, we are here to help you overcome possible issues and run a successful business with an effective remote development team.

What are the advantages of remote teams?

1. Less overhead

As we know, rent and utilities can be pretty costly. But you can easily say “goodbye” to office fees and all that comes with it. One of the leading remote team advantages is that workers can work from anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection, available communications, and motivation to complete all tasks. With the money saved from renting an office, you can hold meetings for the whole team, make annual holiday parties or give motivational gifts!

2. Employee retention

Proper employee retention is another advantage. For example, many employees need flexible hours. If you do your best to make your team feel heard, you have a better chance of reducing employee turnover. After all, employee retention saves you time and money by eliminating the need to hire and train new people. Flexibility is the key to a proper balance between professional and personal life.

3. Performance and quality

31% of companies say they chose remote teams because of the improved service quality. Such specialists have all the necessary tools to ensure that you always receive a stable product.

A good example is a well-known company Slack, which outsourced the entire process of developing the main visual elements: redesigning the application and the logo design. This has helped the company refine essential product strategies, helping them scale to 15,000 users in just two weeks.

4. Access to the global talent pool

You will have access to a talent pool from which you can select the people you need. Regardless of the location, the best talent is waiting for the right opportunity. It is a great joy to find employees with the right experience, skills, and approach to your business. Whether they are in America or Italy, your team is not limited by location as long as you have a solid remote workforce.

call with remote workers

What are remote working methods best for your business?

To ensure the success of teleworking, use these guidelines:

1. Corporate culture

Some professionals choose to work following their corporate culture. Whether your company has recently been remote or has always taken this approach, a culture that attracts employees to your organization can help them stay happy and keep working with you. For example, if COVID-19 caused your business to go into the remote mode, you could maintain a caring culture as Actualize Consulting did.

2. Video tools

Try to use the correct working methods, as if you and your team were in the office. For example, to cheer up your team, you can do happy hour videos, video conferencing, and virtual employee dinners on Friday. The main goal is to stimulate activities that would take place in the office outside the office.

3. Online format

Almost everything can be done these days digitally. Use dedicated tools for contracts that require a signature, and encourage employees to rely on customer relationship management (CRM) software and other digital devices instead of paper for notes.

4. Internet security

The network is as secure as its weakest link is. As a result of COVID-19, many companies have asked employees to work remotely. As a result of more and more people working from home, weaknesses are at stake. By investing in security, you can provide the tools to keep all devices secure.

Remote command management tools

One way to properly monitor all processes is to use interactive whiteboards such as Trello or Basecamp, which allow your team members to communicate, post results, and share product changes.

  • Slack

It is a messaging app for teams with live message boards similar to Skype. However, Slack provides the ability to integrate multiple teams and create a virtual workplace feel.

  • Invision

It is a workflow and project design platform developed for creative and design fields and used by companies like UBER.

  • Idonethis

It is a visually simple productivity app that provides status reports, updates, and management tools for any remote team.

Importnat discussion

FAQ: the culture of remote work

How to create a remote culture?

It takes more effort than if you were working in an office. You need to have a clear vision of your culture and create it through hiring decisions, goals, and how your team communicates.

How to maintain culture remotely?

You can maintain the culture of a small company with virtual team-building events and frequent meetings to communicate with each other and share their opinions.

How do remote teams work together?

Communication is key. You can use workflow management apps like Asana or Slack to keep track of tasks.

If you need help building a team of the right people, our specialists will be happy to lend a helping hand. Contact us right now - https://www.techflower.io/.